Home Reports How to read Conversations Reports?

How to read Conversations Reports?

Last updated on Aug 20, 2024

The conversation report is an overview about all your conversations across a time-period. With the Conversations Report, you can learn significant metrics about the health of your conversations, like the volume of messages, First Response Time, Resolution Time, Resolution Count, etc.


The following are the metrics that are shown in the report


Counts the number of conversations daily/weekly etc, it only counts conversations created in that time-period. So if a conversation is re-opened from a previous time-period it’s not included. The heatmap in the overview report can provide you with deeper insights into conversations created.

Messages received

The number of messages received across all channels in a given time period.

Messages sent

The number of messages sent from the account in a given time period. The count includes messages sent by both bots and agents.

First Response Time

First Response Time or FRT is the average time a human agent takes to reply to a message over conversations created during a particular time period. The first response is calculated as a the time difference between the creation of the first human message and the last non human activity, this is usually when the conversation is opened. or when it's handed off to a human agent by a bot.

Resolution Time

The resolution time is the average time it takes for a conversation to be resolved, over conversations created during that time period. The resolution time is calculated as a difference between the time when the conversation was first opened and the time it was resolved.

Please note that this does not consider reopens as separate conversations, if a conversation was re-opened and resolved later the resolution time will increase.

Resolution Count

Resolution count is the the number of conversations resolved on a particular day in a time period.

Customer waiting time

The amount of time customers had to wait for a message from your account. This is similar to FRT, but calculated over all outgoing messages. The higher the number, the slower your team responds to individual messages

More Reports

Often it is useful to read these numbers filtered over particular team or an agent, you can open one of the following reports from sidebar and view them

  • Agents: This report is great to monitor the productivity of individual agents and find areas of improvement.

  • Labels: Labels is extremely useful in categorising the kind of conversations you are receiving. Once setup correctly, this reports provides you insights of teams productivity on specific kinds of conversations. This helps you find gaps in your agents knowledge and areas of improvements in your help-center as well as bots.

  • Inbox: This report is helps you monitor the metrics of a particular inbox and find trends in the distribution of conversations, how effective is the response and resolution of these conversations.

  • Team: This report is great to monitor the productivity of a particular team and find trends as well as areas of improvement in your responses for each teams.