Home Reports How to read Bot Reports?

How to read Bot Reports?

Last updated on Aug 20, 2024

Bot reports is an overview of bot activity on your account, these bots include CSML and Dialogflow both. This report shows data from all the inboxes with an active bot. It has the following metrics and graphs


  • No. of Conversations: Total number of conversations the bot has attended to

  • Total Responses: Total number of messages sent by the bot

  • Resolution Rate: The proportion of conversations attended by a bot that leads in a resolution without an agent involvement. It is calculated as a percentage of total number of conversations resolved by the bot in contrast to total number of conversations handled by the bot. A higher number indicates high effectiveness of your bot.

  • Handoff Rate: Percentage of handoffs from a bot to a human agent. It is calculated as a total number of conversations handed off to agents divided by the total number of conversations handled by the bot. A higher number indicates that your bot is not extremely effective and it might be worth looking at these conversations to find gaps in your bot responses.


  • Resolution Count: This shows the conversations resolved by a bot distributed over a time period.

  • Handoff Count: This shows the number of handoffs done by the bot distributed over a time period.