Home Reports How to read SLA Reports?

How to read SLA Reports?

Last updated on Aug 20, 2024

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are contractual arrangements between you and your customers that define the level of service you commit to deliver. Your SLAs specify the expected performance metrics, such as response times, availability, and resolution times, that you have agreed to provide. You can read more about the SLA feature here.

You can filter this report based on date, agent, team, SLA policy, label and inbox as well. This will allow you to drill down into specific insights like the "SLA policy performance of the customer success team for the label 'churn-risk'"


The SLA report shows the following metrics

Hit Rate

The Hit Rate shows the proportion of SLAs that were successfully met out of all SLAs that were applied. It is calculated by subtracting the number of SLA misses from the total number of applied SLAs, then dividing the result by the total number of applied SLAs. A higher Hit Rate indicates better performance in meeting SLAs. Lower percentages indicate room for improvement.

Number of Misses

This shows the number of SLAs missed out of all the SLAs that were applied.

Number of Conversations

This shows the number of conversations for which an SLA was applied. Ideally it's good to have a larger coverage of all the incoming conversations.

SLA Report

Along with the metrics, you can retrieve a log of all the SLA misses on this page

You can click the "View Details" button to see a grouped list of all the SLA events that were missed along with a timestamp of when it happened.