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Docker Setup


Before proceeding, make sure you have the latest version of docker and docker-compose installed.

As of now[at the time of writing this doc], we recommend a version equal to or higher than the following.

$ docker --version
Docker version 25.0.4, build 1a576c5
$ docker compose --version
docker-compose version 2.24.7

Development environment

  1. Clone the repository.

    git clone
  2. Make a copy of the example environment file and modify it as required.

    # navigate to Chatwoot
    cd chatwoot
    cp .env.example .env
    # update redis and postgres passwords
    nano .env
    # update docker-compose.yml with the same postgres password
    nano docker-compose.yml
  3. Build the images.

    # build base image first
    docker compose build base

    # build the server and worker
    docker compose build
  4. After building the image or destroying the stack, you would have to reset the database using the following command.

    docker compose run --rm rails bundle exec rails db:chatwoot_prepare
  5. To run the app,

    docker compose up
    • Access the rails app frontend by visiting
    • Access Mailhog inbox by visiting (You will receive all emails going out of the application here)

    Login with credentials

        url: http://localhost:3000
    password: Password1!
  6. To stop the app,

    docker compose down

Running RSpec tests

For running the complete RSpec tests,

docker compose run --rm rails bundle exec rspec

For running specific test,

docker compose run --rm rails bundle exec rspec spec/<path-to-file>:<line-number>

Production environment

To debug the production build locally, set SECRET_KEY_BASE environment variable in your .env file and then run the below commands:

docker compose -f docker-compose.production.yaml build
docker compose -f docker-compose.production.yaml up

Debugging mode

To use debuggers like byebug or binding.pry, use the following command to bring up the app instead of docker-compose up.

docker compose run --rm --service-port rails


If there is an update to any of the following

  • dockerfile
  • gemfile
  • package.json
  • schema change

Make sure to rebuild the containers and run db:reset.

docker-compose down
docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm rails bundle exec rails db:reset
docker-compose up