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Production deployment guide for Linux VM

Deploying to Linux VM

This guide will help you install Chatwoot on **Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. We have prepared a deployment script for you to run. Refer to the script and feel free to make changes accordingly to the operating system if you are on a non-Ubuntu system.

Steps to install

Note: If you plan to use a domain with chatwoot, please add an A record before proceeding. Refer to the Configuring the installation domain section below.

  1. Create an file using the following commands.
chmod +x
  1. Execute the script. The script will take care of the initial Chatwoot setup.
./ --install
  1. Chatwoot Installation will now be accessible at http://{your_ip_address}:3000 or if you opted for domain setup, it will be at

Note This will also install the Chatwoot CLI(cwctl) starting with Chatwoot v2.7.0. Use cwctl --help to learn more.

Configuring The installation Domain

  1. Create an A record for on your domain management system and point it towards the installation IP address.
  2. Continue with the installation script by entering yes when prompted about domain setup.
  3. Enter your domain. The script will take care of configuring Nginx and SSL via LetsEncrypt.
  4. Your Chatwoot installation should be accessible from now.

Configure the required environment variables

For your Chatwoot installation to properly function, you would need to configure the essential environment variables like FRONTEND_URL, Mailer, and a cloud storage config. Refer Environment variables for the full list.

  1. Login as chatwoot user and edit the .env file.
# Login as chatwoot user

sudo -i -u chatwoot
cd chatwoot
nano .env
  1. Refer Environment variables and update the required variables. Save the .env file.

  2. Restart the Chatwoot server and enjoy using your self-hosted Chatwoot.

Note If you have Chatwoot CLI(cwctl) installed, use cwctl -r.

sudo systemctl restart

Upgrading to a newer version of Chatwoot

Whenever a new version of Chatwoot is released, use the following steps to upgrade your instance.

Note If you have Chatwoot CLI(cwctl) installed, use cwctl --upgrade to upgrade your Chatwoot installation.

To install cwctl, refer this section below.

Note If you are on an older version of Chatwoot(< 2.7), follow the manual upgrade steps below if you face errors with cwctl.

Run the following steps on your VM. Make changes based on your OS if you are on a non-Ubuntu system.

# Login as Chatwoot user
sudo -i -u chatwoot

# Navigate to the Chatwoot directory
cd chatwoot

# Pull the latest version of the master branch
git checkout master && git pull

# Ensure the ruby version is upto date
rvm install "ruby-3.3.3"
rvm use 3.3.3 --default

# Update dependencies
pnpm i

# Recompile the assets
rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production

# Migrate the database schema
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate

# Switch back to root user

# Copy the updated targets
cp /home/chatwoot/chatwoot/deployment/chatwoot-web.1.service /etc/systemd/system/chatwoot-web.1.service
cp /home/chatwoot/chatwoot/deployment/chatwoot-worker.1.service /etc/systemd/system/chatwoot-worker.1.service
cp /home/chatwoot/chatwoot/deployment/ /etc/systemd/system/

# Reload systemd files
systemctl daemon-reload

# Restart the chatwoot server
systemctl restart

Running Rails Console

Note If you have Chatwoot CLI(cwctl) installed, use cwctl -c.

# Login as Chatwoot user
sudo -i -u chatwoot

# Navigate to the Chatwoot directory
cd chatwoot

# start rails console
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails c

Viewing Logs

Note If you have Chatwoot CLI(cwctl) installed, use cwctl -l web or cwctl -l worker.

Run the following commands in your ubuntu shell

# logs from the rails server
journalctl -u chatwoot-web.1.service -f

# logs from sidekiq
journalctl -u chatwoot-worker.1.service -f

Install or Upgrade Chatwoot CLI

If you used an older version of install script(< 2.0), you will not have cwctl in your PATH. To install/upgrade Chatwoot CLI,

wget -O /usr/local/bin/cwctl && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cwctl
cwctl --help

Note: The above command requires root access to install cwctl to /usr/local/bin.


If precompile fails

If the asset precompilation step fails with ActionView::Template::Error (Webpacker can't find application.css in /home/chatwoot/chatwoot/public/packs/manifest.json) or if you face issues while restarting the server, try the following command and restart the server.

RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:clean assets:clobber assets:precompile

This command would clear the existing compiled assets and would recompile all the assets. Read more about it here