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Chatwoot v4 migration

Chatwoot v4 requires PostgreSQL with pgvector support. You need to ensure that the version of PostgreSQL you are running supports pgvector before upgrading.

Type of Deployment


  • If you are using managed PostgreSQL, refer to the Managed PostgreSQL section below.
  • If you are using self-hosted PostgreSQL, read along.


  • If you are using managed PostgreSQL, refer to the Managed PostgreSQL section below.
  • If you are using self-hosted PostgreSQL, read along.

Kubernetes (Helm)

  • If you are using managed PostgreSQL, refer to the Managed PostgreSQL section below.
  • If you are using self-hosted PostgreSQL, read along.


  • No action is needed if you are using Heroku PostgreSQL.
  • If you are using another managed PostgreSQL, refer to the Managed PostgreSQL section below.


The PostgreSQL section is divided into parts based on how you are running PostgreSQL:

  1. Managed PostgreSQL from cloud vendors like AWS, GCP, Azure, Heroku, etc.
  2. Self-hosted PostgreSQL on Linux, Docker, or Kubernetes via Helm charts.

Managed PostgreSQL

    No action is needed if you are on the latest version of RDS.
    Learn more

  • Google Cloud (Cloud SQL)
    No action is needed.
    Learn more

  • Heroku PostgreSQL
    The pgvector extension is supported. No action is needed.
    Learn more

  • Azure PostgreSQL
    To enable pgvector on your Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server instance:

    1. Add pgvector to your allowlist as described in the PostgreSQL extensions documentation.
    2. Verify if it is correctly added by running:
      SHOW azure.extensions;

    Learn more

Self-hosted PostgreSQL

Linux VM

  • Existing Installation
    Install the pgvector extension for your version of PostgreSQL and run the upgrade:
    # Find your PostgreSQL version
    psql --version

    # If its version 16, use the following command
    # Replace "16" with your PostgreSQL version
    sudo apt install postgresql-16-pgvector

Docker Container

  • Existing Installation
    1. Replace the PostgreSQL image with the pgvector image. The pgvector image is a drop-in replacement and works with your existing data:
      docker compose down

    # Edit and replace the PostgreSQL image in docker-compose.yaml
    vi docker-compose.yaml

    # Replace PostgreSQL image tag
    # Example: replace
    # image: postgres:12
    # with
    # image: pgvector/pgvector:pg12

    # Ensure the pg tag number matches your PostgreSQL version
    docker compose pull

    # Verify the updated setup
    docker compose up -d```

  1. After verifying that the existing installation works with the pgvector image, proceed with the regular upgrade steps. Learn more

Kubernetes (Helm Chart)

If you use the built-in PostgreSQL via the official Helm chart, follow the steps below. The Bitnami-packaged PostgreSQL used in the Helm chart does not support the pgvector extension. To address this, we have built a custom Postgres image with pgvector support.

NOTE: This is only applicable if you are using the built-in Postgres with helm charts. Refer, to the managed docs section if you are using AWS RDS or something similar.

  1. Create a values.v4-upgrade.yaml file with the following contents
repository: chatwoot/chatwoot
tag: v4.0.1
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

repository: chatwoot/pgvector
  1. Run helm upgrade with this custom values.yaml file.