
Pranav Raj S
Published on
1 minute read
We are excited to release v1.10.0 with the following updates.
Chatwoot CRM

You will be able to view the list of the contacts you had conversations with, see their details and previous conversations.
Global Message Search

You will now be able to perform a full-text search through the messages.
Other updates
- IP Lookup for contact location
- Business hours APIs
- Ability to Resolve conversations after n days of inactivity
- Agents, Inboxes Reports APIs
- Activity messages for mute and unmute actions
- File upload for API inbox
- Slack Integration failure Notification
- Installation script for Ubuntu 20.04
- Numerous bug fixes and enhancements
New languages
Added language support for Japanese, Arabic.
Thanks to @RonWalker22, @azyzio, @hsbt, @monarch0111, @RicardoRamirezR, @Nico385412, @yihyang, @akashdotsrivastava, @sivin-git, @DavidSteinbauer, @SmartManoj, @ShadowDLL for the contributions