
Pranav Raj S
Published on
2 minute read
We have released v1.12.0 with the following updates.
Rich content Support in Chatwoot Messages & Emails

The editor supports rich content like bold, italics, links, lists etc. It natively supports markdown format.
Preview attachments before sending

The editor now displays a preview of the attachment before sending it so that you can confirm that you have attached the document.
Pending Message State
To provide an immediate feedback on message, a pending message state has been added in the latest release.

Onboarding Flow for self-hosted Installations
Installation would not run seed scripts now, it would ask you to setup an account on the initial load.

Subscribe to release notes, newsletters & product feedback surveys feature would help you to be up to date with the new Chatwoot releases.
Identity Verification for WebWidget
Webwidget supports HMAC verification natively. To disallow impersonation and to keep the conversation with your customers private, we recommend setting up the identity validation in Chatwoot. Identity validation is enabled by generating an HMAC(hash based message authentication code) based on the identifier attribute, using SHA256. Along with the identifier you can pass identifier_hash also as shown below to make sure that the user is correct one.
Read more about it here
Ability to manage your Support Email Inbox (threaded replies)
Support emails can be viewed in Chatwoot now. You would be able to create an Email Channel in Chatwoot and forward your support emails to the Chatwoot inbox.
Performance Improvements
To improve the concurrent conversation creation, the display_id generation logic is moved to DB triggers. Thanks to @sorumehta for the improvement.
New APIs
- Platform APIs
- API to delete messages
- API to add labels to contacts
New languages
- Added support for Swedish
Thanks to @sorumehta, @gucci-ninja for the contributions