
Pranav Raj S
Published on
1 minute read
We have released v1.13.0 with the following updates.
Use @mentions to tag users in a private note
If you want to collaborate with your teammates internally about a conversation, you can use @mentions in the private note. The tagged users would get an email/push notification about the conversation.

Pre Chat Form
Use the pre-chat form feature to capture information about the users before they initiate a chat with your team.

Other improvements
- Notification center on the web
- Added APIs to bulk import contacts
- Save editor preferences to the user
- Support for incoming audio messages, play audio inside Chatwoot itself.
- Numerous bug fixes and enhancements
New Languages
- Norwegian
Thanks to @kgdev, @freddii, @karthik-sivadas, @lgezyxr, @srameshr, @sivin-git for the contributions