
Pranav Raj S
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2 minute read
Note: If you are using Linux installations, please make sure that you have upgraded Ruby version 3.0.2 along with Chatwoot. Refer to this guide for help.
We have released a new version of Chatwoot with the following updates.
🔥 Push notification servers
If you are using the community edition of Chatwoot, you would now be able use the Official mobile app with push notifications without any additional configuration.
💤 Snooze a conversation
Snoozing a conversation removes it from the list of open conversations available for agents. You can snooze a conversation if you are waiting for a reply from the user or if you want to revisit the conversation at a later point in time. Chatwoot support following snooze options:
- Until next reply: Conversation would be in a snoozed state until the user replies to the conversation.
- Next day: Conversation would be in a snoozed state until the next day 9AM.
- Next week: The conversation would be put back in the list of conversations next Monday 9AM.

📤 Campaigns (beta)
This release gives campaigns a dedicated place in the sidebar. With campaigns you can send out outbound messages to a specified set of users. You can create 2 types of campaigns:
- One-off campaigns: Create one-time outbound messages via SMS or Whatsapp. You can select a segment of users tagged by a label and schedule the campaign to a later time.
- One-going campaigns: Create outbound messages based on rules on a website widget.
🚅 Keyboard shortcuts (beta)
The latest version of Chatwoot includes a range of keyboard shortcuts for power users.

💅 Quickly identify the last message type
While scanning the list of conversation, the agent users found it difficult to understand whether the last message was a reply or a private note. In this release, we have added an icon to differentiate between the messages.

⚡️ Support for to, cc & subject in message headers
Chatwoot now display cc, bcc, subject on each message so that it is easy to identify whether the message is received via email or live-chat.

🚔 Block and throttle abusive requests
The latest version implements an in-product rate-limiting mechanism. Requests would be throttled based on the IP or email address used to create the request.
♻️ Reduce docker image size
The size of the docker image has been reduced by 50%. Thanks to @paescuj for this amazing contribution.
✨ Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Introduced a
status. The bot conversation with be in pending status initial and would be move to open and then resolved. (Pending -> Open -> (Snoozed) -> Resolved) - Improved search, list performance of contact/conversation APIs.
- Added the support to use database with a non-standard port.
- Added a fix to render line-breaks properly in messages. Earlier, the line-breaks were not respected by the message rendering logic.
- Upgrade to Rails 6.1.4
Thanks to @SanjuSudheerM, @sbreiler-work, @paescuj, @raikasdev, @HariniKrishnan, @vishal-pandey, @thundersparkf, @shailesh-kalamkar, @patrickobriain for the contributions