[v2.11.0] Macros is here, along with other product enhancements

Hricha Shandily
Published on
3 minute read
The new Chatwoot v2.11 is here. You will find a bevy of new features sure to improve your day-to-day productivity. And several enhancements. Here is your brief:
🦅 Macros: Run a sequence of pre-defined actions, in one click.
As a support agent, you will find that you need to repeat the same set of actions often. Here is an example: Whenever you receive a demo request, you assign the Sales team, send a standard message on how to book a slot, add the Sales label, and snooze the conversation. Or, whenever you receive a spam, you send the same message about how they've come to the wrong place, assign the Spam label, and close the conversation.
Doing all these actions one-by-one, and multiple times a day can be painful and time-consuming. Unless, you run a macro.
A macro is a set of sequential saved actions, like labelling a conversation, sending an email transcript, sending an attachment, etc., which you can define from your Chatwoot Settings. You can also make a personal macro, or one available for your team's use.
For using a macro, simply select it from your chat window and click Execute.

🔦 Global Search bar for your Help Center
The Search bar is now available for your Help Center created with Chatwoot. This enables your users to search for specific answers to their questions by simply typing in their query. The search will match the query with related keywords in your articles' content.

🧭 Intuitive location messages in your WhatsApp inbox
If a user shares a location through the WhatsApp conversation, you can view it in your Chatwoot window without any trouble.

🤝 Custom Attributes x Automations: Set, play, forget.
You can now run your automation rules based on conditions defined by your custom attributes, which are facts about your contacts/conversation — like the subscription plan, when they ordered the first item, if they are a paid user, etc.
Say, whenever you get a query from a paid customer, you are required to assign the conversation to your Team Lead. Or, say you have a custom attribute that defines the levels of priority of a conversation, such as P0, P1, P2, P3. And, whenever you assign the P0 custom attribute to a conversation, you need to send an email to your team.
You can simply create an automation rule from the Chatwoot Settings. So, the next time you assign a specific custom attribute, the rest of the actions would be executed automatically.

🔌 Paste files/images from the clipboard
There's another way now to send files or images to your customers, on the Chatwoot conversation window. Just Copy-paste it.

🔭 Other updates and improvements
- Realtime update for conversation attributes on agent dashboard
- Redis connection performance improvements
- Numerous other enhancements and bug fixes
P.S. If you wanna watch our team (the creators of these features) demo these features, and talk to them live, do join us for Chatwoot Connect.
P.P.S. Thanks to @smartdev58, @NitinRamnani, @KubesDavid, @NusretOzates, @DanielGannage, @ChadBurggraf, @jacsonsantospht, @givetimetolife, @singpolyma, @arkadiyayvazyan, @CristianDuta, @mjattiot, @satoshinotdead, @salman652, for the contributions.