
Pranav Raj S
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2 minute read
Hello everyone,
Chatwoot v2.4 is live. Here’s what’s new. 👇
💅 Dark mode support for live-chat widget
You can now enable dark mode on your live-chat widget. Here is a super-quick guide to help you along.

📈 Report Improvements
Display trends in the reports: When pulling reports on conversations, inboxes, labels, or agent performance, you can now view trends from the previous period. These reports will show you how much your numbers increased or decreased from the last period.

Consider business hours in the reports: You can now generate reports based on business hours. To view a report that considers business hours, click the toggle button at the right top of each screen.

📝 Users can end a conversation from the widget
Now, you can allow your users to end the conversation within the widget. For example, if their query is resolved, this feature allows them to move on and let the assigned agent focus on another conversation.

🔋 New and improved editor for conversations
We have updated the editor to support the Subject line, cc and bcc in the email conversation.

🎉 Other improvements
- Notifications: We did a revamp of the old notification center. You can now access your notifications faster by clicking on the bell icon in the agent dashboard.
- Automation: We have a new set of actions in automation to improve your workflow. We have added "Send Message", "Send Email to the team", "Resolve Conversation", "Snooze Conversation", etc., to the actions.
- Instagram: Supports un-sending action now. If the user has deleted the message from Instagram, it will get deleted in Chatwoot also.
- Round robin Assignment in teams: If you assign a conversation to a team, the system would now distribute it in a round-robin fashion among the online agents.
- Improvements in the SDK: You can now pop the widget using an SDK method.
- Email Channel, IMAP/SMTP improvements: We have added various fixes to improve the email channel and the connection using IMAP and SMTP.
Thanks to @jordan-brough, @giquieu, @sagararyal, @substr2837, @richardo-kusuma, @killion, @Justman10000, @shivamsinghchahar for the contributions.