[v2.9.0] Create your Help Center with Chatwoot!

Hricha Shandily
Published on
1 minute read
Hi, there. Chatwoot v2.9 is live!
We're excited to share with you that the Chatwoot Help Center (Beta) is now available. More details below. ⬇️
✍️ Chatwoot Help Center (Beta)
Chatwoot Help Center makes it easy to create, manage and grow your online help center. You can setup a custom help center with categories, articles, and other helpful content. You can share this information on customer conversations so that customers can find the information they need.

This is currently in Beta mode and we'll keep improving it.
🐒 Other updates and improvements
- Email conversation continuity for API channels.
- Ability for Dashboard App Frames to query the information.
- Improved blocking & throttling of abusive requests.
- Automations supporting case insensitive filters.
- Numerous API enhancements and bug fixes.
Thanks to @jordan-brough and @shivamsinghchahar for the contributions.
We hope v2.9 makes the Chatwoot experience better for you. We'll be waiting for your feedback.